
Bing Carousels


Bing Carousels

Refreshing and refining Bing’s search results carousels. Focus on visual alignment across different results by defining a reusable and sustainable system that reinforced the brand and quality of experience.

I owned the carousel experience that was a part of a larger design system effort.

Team: Donna Seo (Designer), Erin Yen (Designer), David Gardner (Design Manager), Ilda Ladeira (Product Manager), Alexander Verger (Engineer)


Bing’s search result carousels were unrefined, heavy, and a disjointed experience. A strong structure or visual system was not in place. We sought out to establish one.


Hover state explorations


Bing’s carousels bolstered the rest of the screen with its established grid and streamlined text styles and colors. As a result, the first page of search results feels more evenly balanced and calmer to consume.

The team now has multiple cards to evolve the types of information to display in the carousels. The solution we delivered has positively impacted the experience and how the team would engineer future designs.

Check out the current experience by searching at Bing!